Black forest cake

romisbakes recipe black forest cake
romisbakes recipe black forest cake

// Black forest cake

Fluffy and elegant

Chocolate cake, chantilly cream, cherry jam 🍒 and chocolate shavings 🍫 A real pleasure for the palate and a classic for chocolate fans 😍🍫😋

It is a cake that takes time to prepare, but I assure you it will be worth it!

Ingredients: Cakes (3 15cm moulds)
    🍭250g sugar
    🥄1tsp vanilla essence
    🫒140ml mild olive oil
    🥛120ml hot milk
    🚰120ml hot water
    🍫60g pure cocoa powder
    🌾200g plain flour or pastry flour
    🥄3g baking soda
Ingredients: Syrup
    (Cook everything together until it comes to a boil and let it cool before using)
    💧300ml of water
    🍭65g sugar
    🍒1tbsp cherry or kirch jam (optional)
Ingredients: Chantilly cream (For filling)
    🍶500ml whipping cream 38%MG
    🍬80g icing sugar
    🥄2tsp vanilla aroma
Ingredients: Cherry jam (For filling)
romisbakes recipe black forest cake
    🍒150g cherry jam (you can see the recipe on my Instagram wall, on my website or use a purchased one)
Ingredients: Chantilly cream (For coverage)
    🍶250ml whipping cream 38%MG
    🍭40g icing sugar
    🥄1tsp vanilla aroma
Ingredients: Decoration
    🍫Chocolate shavings
    🍫Cake crumbs
Elaboration: Sponge cakes
    🥣Beat the eggs with the sugar until you get a creamy mixture
    🫗Add the oil, vanilla essence and beat until well integrated.
    🫗Add the milk and hot water (not boiling), mix with a spatula
    🌾Add the previously sifted flour along with the cocoa, baking powder and baking soda. Mix a little with the spatula and beat again for a couple more minutes.
    ⏲️Pour the mixture into the previously greased molds and bake at 165ºC for 30 minutes. Before removing from the oven, check with a toothpick that it comes out dry.
    ⏰Remove the cakes from the oven and let them cool on a rack for 20 minutes. before unmolding
romisbakes recipe black forest cake
    ❄️Unmold and let cool completely before use
Elaboration: Filling
    🔪Cut and Even out the cakes, removing the protruding parts of each cake
    🥣Beat the 500ml of cream with the icing sugar and vanilla aroma until it is very consistent.
    🍽️On a plate or presentation tray, place a layer of cake, moisten with 60ml syrup, put a layer of 250g of cream and a layer of 75g of jam. Repeat this operation one more time
    👩🏻‍🍳Put the last layer of cake, cover the sides of the cake with acetate and film. Let it rest in the refrigerator for 4 hours or until the next day.
romisbakes recipe black forest cake
Elaboration: Cover and decoration
    ⏰After the resting time, whip the 250ml of cream with the icing sugar and vanilla until you get a consistent cream.
    🍰Cover the cake with the cream, smooth and decorate with chocolate shavings, cake crumbs (leftovers from the cuts) and cherries. The decoration is to taste
romisbakes recipe black forest cake romisbakes recipe black forest cake

I hope you enjoy this juicy and delicious chocolate cake 🍫😋❤️

romisbakes recipe black forest cake

If you want to make any comments or questions about the recipe you can do so through the publication on Instagram: