Lactose free vanilla & strawberry cake

romisbakes recipe lactose free vanilla and strawberry cake
romisbakes recipe lactose free vanilla and strawberry cake

// Lactose free vanilla & strawberry cake

Fluffy and light

Vanilla sponge cake filled and covered with strawberry ganache cream 🍓. It is a cake that with its simple but delicate decoration you can make it for any occasion. Although it takes a little bit of work, it's a delicious cake, and even though it doesn't contain any lactose, I assure you that it tastes great 😋🍓🍓

Ingredients: Lactose-free sponge cakes (3 14cm molds)
romisbakes recipe lactose free vanilla and strawberry cake
    🍬220g of sugar
    🥄2tsps of vanilla essence
    🍶180ml mild olive oil
    🌾260g of cake flour
    🥄4g baking soda
Before starting
    🔥Preheat the oven to 165ºC
    🥧Grease 3 14cm molds
Elaboration: Sponge cakes
    🌾Beat the eggs with the sugar until you get a creamy mixture
    🌾Add the oil, the vanilla essence and beat until well integrated
    🌾Add the previously sifted flour together with the baking powder and mix with a wire whisk
    🌾Finally add the milk and mix until well integrated
    🌾Pour the mixture into the molds and bake at 160ºC for 30 minutes, heat up and down. Check with a toothpick that it comes out dry before removing the sponge cakes from the oven
    🌾Remove the cakes from the oven and let cool on a grill for about 20min. before demoulding
romisbakes recipe lactose free vanilla and strawberry cake
    🌾Let cool well before filling
Ingredients: Lactose-free strawberry ganache cream (For filling and coverage)
romisbakes recipe lactose free vanilla and strawberry cake
    🍓90g lactose-free white chocolate
    🍓80g concentrated strawberry sauce or jam
    🍓Strawberry aroma to taste (I use the Pateliere brand and I put 1tsp)
    🍓A little fuchsia or pink coloring, it is optional
Elaboration: Strawberry ganache cream
    🥣In a bowl, chop the chocolate
    🥣In a small saucepan, heat the 200ml of lactose-free cream without letting it boil
    🥣Pour the cream into the chocolate bowl, stir until it dissolves well, add the colouring, the sauce and the strawberry aroma. Mix well and cover in cling-film. When cold, store in the refrigerator for 4 or 6 hours. I usually do it the day before
romisbakes recipe lactose free vanilla and strawberry cake
    🥣After the rest time, beat until it mounts, add the remaining 200ml of cream. Beat until the cream is thick
romisbakes recipe lactose free vanilla and strawberry cake
    🥣You already have the cream for the filling and the coverage of the cake
Ingredients: Syrup
    🚰250ml water
    🍭75g of sugar
    🥄Vanilla essence to taste
Elaboration: Syrup
    ❤️Brown the sugar a little
    ❤️Add the water being careful not to burn yourself
    ❤️Add the essence of vanilla and let it boil
    ❤️Remove from heat and let cool before using
Assembly of the cake

Cake with 3 layers of sponge cake and two layers of cream

    🎂Cut the cakes 2.5cm or 3cm thick
romisbakes recipe lactose free vanilla and strawberry cake
    🎂Moisten the cakes with the syrup to taste
    🎂Put the layers of cream: Cake - 200g cream - Cake - 200g cream - Cake
romisbakes recipe lactose free vanilla and strawberry cake romisbakes recipe lactose free vanilla and strawberry cake
    🎂Cover the cake with the rest of the cream, I made a naked cake
    🎂Decorate the cake... this is your choice. I decorated it with natural strawberries
romisbakes recipe lactose free vanilla and strawberry cake


    👩🏻‍🍳I covered the cake with a naked and for the coverage to be a lighter tone I added a little whipped cream. This is to taste… the decorations are of your choice
    👩🏻‍🍳For the cream you can use the sauce or jam of the flavor that you like the most
    👩🏻‍🍳If you don't get the strawberry scent, it's optional. I put it because I like it to have a slightly stronger flavor
romisbakes recipe lactose free vanilla and strawberry cake

It is a recipe that takes time, but I assure you that it will be worth it 😋. If you dare to prepare it, I'm sure it will be delicious 😍😋❤️

If you want to make any comments or questions about the recipe you can do so through the publication on Instagram: